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Illiotibial Band Syndrome (ITB)

Illiotibial Band Syndrome is usually characterised by a sharp or burning pain on the outside of the knee, sometimes accompanied by swelling in the same region or along the outer thigh.


It is a common complaint in runners, cyclists, hikers and weight lifters. It is thought to be due to an overload of the fascia band which connects the pelvis to the outer knee.


When this area is overworked from repetitive movements the tissue can become highly sensitized and painful, especially as the foot hits the ground or when the knee is bent 30 degrees or more.


The pain usually comes on a certain stage in an activity or work-out and then gradually worsens until the person has to stop. The pain may remain for a short period after stopping activity.  


Risk factors include muscle imbalance, poor biomechanics (running form or training habits), anatomical abnormalities, and in particular those with flat feet and high arches.

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