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Neurological and Spinal Conditions

Neurological Conditions

There are many conditions that stem from diseases that affect the neuro-muscular system, which is our central control system that send messages to the muscles which move and co-ordination of the body. 


The neuro-muscular system includes all the nerves and the muscles.


The following are neurological conditions that are commonly treated with Orthotics to help restore a more normal movement patterns and brace areas of the body that are weak or poorly aligned.


Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke (CVA), Cerebral Palsy, Motor Neurone Disease, Spastic Paraplegia, Spinal Cord Injury, Charcot Marie Tooth, Peripheral Neuropathies and Poliomyelitis.


Many of there conditions cause a disruption in the ability of a person to lift their foot enough  to clear the ground with their toes when walking - this is referred to as "Foot drop".


A splint called an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) can be used to help to hold the foot and ankle in a better position to reduce risk of falls and make walking easier and less tiring.  

Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back is one of the most common complaints in the general population, affecting people of all ages.


The causes of lower back pain (LBP) are poorly understood, but research has identified several contributing factors.  


Psycho-social factors such as feeling generally low and depressed for a variety of reasons to do with ones personal circumstances, or low level of physical activity, poor education, emotional distress, unemployment all increase the risk.   


Mechanical factors such as heavy or repetitive lifting, twisting, static work postures, prolonged standing or walking, road traffic accidents and falls also show a link. 

There has also been a link found between LBP and flat feet.  In particular, those people who have a fallen arch which is worse on one side (foot), may suffer more because it causes an apparent shortening of that leg.   When one leg is effectively shorter than the other, it can result in a torsion in the pelvis and lower spine which can lead to back pain.  


That's where we can help with shoe inserts (foot orthotics) to support the fallen arch.

Ankle Sprain Twisted Ankle Deltoid Ligament Rolled Over Medial Lateral Twist Landed on ankle bone Fall Curb Pothole Brace Orthotics Strappig Orthoses Insoles
Neck and Upper Limb

Severe degeneration of the cervical discs, Head Drop, Whiplash, and Stable Cervical Fractures are all examples of conditions that may be treated with a neck collar.


Tennis and Golfers Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Osteoarthritis of the Thumb, Wrist and Hand Contractures and Duputren's Contractures may be treated conservatively with Orthoses.

Ankle Sprain Twisted Ankle Deltoid Ligament Rolled Over Medial Lateral Twist Landed on ankle bone Fall Curb Pothole Brace Orthotics Strappig Orthoses Insoles
Other Spinal Conditions 

Degenerative Disc Disease, Stable Thoracic and Lumbar Fractures and Mild Scoliosis are all examples of conditions of the spine where an Orthotist may be able to help.


Bespoke and Off the shelf designed spinal supports (braces and corsets) can help to limit painful movements, stabilise the spine and improve posture.

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